Novo brings Angel Azorin shoes to Australia

A silky white ribbon wrapped around the ankle with a beautiful Spanish saying printed on it – “What Christian Louboutin Sandals makes a shoe so seductive?”

That doesn’t seem a million dollar question. For some it’s the design, while for others it’s the designer. Walking around town in a luxurious pair of designer shoes is not just assuring for the ego, but also responsible for making a woman Christian Louboutin Boots feel sexy, important and powerful. When you give her an exquisitely designed and handcrafted piece of footwear, the smile blazes up a thousand watts.

And this is what the new Australian-Spanish design collaboration is aspiring to do – allot designer shoes to Manolo Blahnik Shoes every closet. Something that makes a girl feel and look expensive.

Par shoes246 le vendredi 05 août 2011


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